Part repair request

RMSTATOR brand new replacement parts are manufactured in controlled production facilities with precise testing and defect detection processes. It makes our new parts extremely reliable and makes us privileging replacing a defective part with a new one instead of repairing it.
When repairing is required, we do offer a superior service:
- Repair of the failed coils and any doubtful ones while paying attention to known issues.
- Top of the line components:
- Made in USA ESSEX wire resistant to 200 degrees Celsius
- Machine wounding
- 3M epoxy electrical insulation
- North American standards
- 1 year warranty
Finding the correct issue and repairing it for good is an art. Hence, RMSTATOR cannot guarantee a repair delay. Upon receiving your request, we will provide you a complete repair costs estimate with the steps required to send us the defective part.
Before submitting a repair request, please confirm a proper defect diagnostic with our Electrical Gremlins Diagnostic Tool.